
Friday, December 28, 2007

Teaching or learning

Please pray for me as I am about to take a major step in obedience and trust.

I have been asked to be a part of something really cool at church. We are going to do Sunday school with the entire congregation. Normally, the kids get dismissed before the adult teaching gets started, but not this week. We are going to worship with the kids, do a craft with the kids, have snack with the kids and then comes the part I have been given - teach the kids.

Now normally I don't have any problem sitting down and teaching the kids, but now instead of 30-50 kids I am going to be teaching 200+ people. On any other Sunday, that would be no problem. I love to talk and I love to teach, but I have wondering for the past four weeks - "How am I going to teach this subject to the kids in a way they will understand?"

So I prayed and God's response was, "Where do you get the words and ability to teach?"

My answer was, "From you?"

His response, "Why have you stopped trusting me?"

My response was to just be silent for a few moments and then I offered a very humble "I'm sorry."

I am now looking forward to presenting what it is that God has for His people.

It is an honor to be used in this way.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yeah for soul searching?

If you are at a party and your friend starts making a fool of himself, do you feel obligated to stop him? Why or why not?

Do you feel that people should ALWAYS tell the truth?

If you found out that your best friend committed a horrible crime, would you report him to the police? Why or why not?

Have you ever lied to end a conversation or to get out of doing something? Why? Is there one person that you find yourself doing this to often? Why?

Is it ok for a starving man to steal food? Why or why not?

Someone falls on an icy sidewalk and injures themselves. As you are tending to their injury, some dude runs by and steals your wallet/purse - what do you do?

If you had to drive two children home, one being a relative's child and the other being the child's neighbor and only one of the seat belts works – who gets it? Why?

You are having dinner with your boss to discuss your possible dismissal from the company. When the waiter comes over, your boss starts to make fun of the man's accent. He then proceeds to tell you how much he hates people from that country – what do you do?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Small group Christmas questions

Which person can you most identify with in the Christmas story? Why?

Mary – Scared, confused, desiring to trust and feeling undeserving
Joseph – Standing on the truth of faith to stay connected to God.
Wise men – Drawn to His presence. Desiring to give to honor Him.
Inn keeper – No room, no time and overwhelmed
Herod – Threatened by loss of control. Angry or anxious about what you may have to endure.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

How ya doin'

If today you find yourself struggling with anything, please do not deny the existence of those thoughts\feelings. Running away from the exposed truth will just make you too tired to deal with it when it catches you. Stand strong in the faith that if you truly place it at the foot of the cross, Jesus blood will dissolve it as He continues to focus on you with a look of satisfaction and love.

My prayer for all of us is that we experience and overflow of peace and joy in our spirits. Also, that we trust God knows the true content of our hearts and loves us regardless of what He finds. The beauty of accepting His unconditional love is displayed in the freedom of living a life that is expectation free.

He loves you cause you are His child. He thinks the stuff you do is cool, but does not give love on a performance scale. He loves you cause you are you. He made you in His image. He was not created in the image of the world. The world can leave you feeling lonely, but He will never stop loving you.

Rest in knowing that He uses ALL things for good.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Our 180 month anniversary (5475 days and still kicking)

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
and the sun does not appear
I will be here
If in the dark, we lose sight of love
Hold my hand, and have no fear
'Cause I will be here
I will be here
When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen
And I will be here
When the laughter turns to cryin'
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together
I will be here
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I will be here
Just as sure as seasons were made for change
Our lifetimes were made for these years
So I will be here
I will be here
And you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here
I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I will be here
Oh, I will be here.
I Will Be Here - Steven Curtis Chapman

Monday, December 03, 2007

Questions that suck (yes I wrote and answered them)

List 5 signs (traits) for selfish people (how do you recognize it in others)

Which of these traits do you dislike the most?
How do you feel when you exhibit one of those traits?
What causes you to act that way?
What are you protecting yourself from? What are some other methods of self protection do you use?

For a picture of the Godly attitude we should be seeking, I suggest Romans 12. Pick just one of the characteristics listed and get on your knees to ask God to make it a permanent change in your heart.