
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How can I be worthy of this

I sent an email on Monday to my group? I asked them to read Psalm 48. The point was to prepare us to take a look at standing on the authority of God. There have been a lot of attacks on our group lately, and it is important for us not to assume a victim spirit.

God reminded me about that this morning, while I was praying about a major spiritual struggle I am undergoing.

Here is the vision I had in response to Psalm 48 -

I picture myself standing inside door of one of those great towers. The enemy has it surrounded and has called me out to face my battle. I open the door, and fearlessly I stare into the face of my enemy. I have not turned to see Him, but I am aware of God's presence behind me. I hear him say "Tell them to go and tell them I said so." I do and they are instantly gone. I close the door and to the outside of the wall is added another layer of fortification.

Dwelling with God and trusting His word will protect me from any enemy that I need to confront (including my old self)

Can I get an Amen!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The definition of October

A season in Kory's life during which it is believed that God will untie a 24 year old knot.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Silly, but sincere

Thank you God for the person you made smart enough to think of -

Pumpkin Roll

Thursday, September 20, 2007

In response to the Jena 6

The issue here is not about black or white. It is about a ineffective justice system.

When will we wake up and realize that prisons are overcrowded, because they are not an effective deterrent for criminals. Just like "time out" does not work for some young children, sitting an adult time out for 10 years just does not make sense.

If you take a true and colorless look at the facts of this case, it is clear that this incident is wrong in many ways. This child's actions may have provoked the attack by the group of children. Does that excuse them from their behavior? Both sides have committed an offense against the other, but keep in mind that this was a group of children reacting as children. The prosecutor in this case is way out of line in seeking to charge these kids as adults. We have laws in place that keep people of a limited mental capacity from being punished with the same severity as a person of normal capacity. Are there not many age related legal limits imposed daily? Does not a violation of those restrictions bring with it a punishment that was designed with a juvenile defendant in mind. Why do we suddenly view a juvenile differently when they commit a violent act. Regardless of their actions, they are still a possess the mind of a child. Violence doesn't make you any more an adult then smoking or swearing.

People on both sides are calling for justice in the form of severe prosecution. The division of protest is color coded. Before you join the fight, I suggest you chew on the following question. When did we as a nation grow to be so angry and selfish? Also, when did you under go that same transformation?

He loves you. Get over it!!

"Reasons" - Bush
watch the water feed the soil
so the circle is complete
see what you have become
is the earth beneath my feet
i'll bring in the stains
your alabaster feet
what's the space between
what you want and what you need
so you'll never be lonely again
never be lonely again
waiting for this love
to bring me close to you
waiting for this love
bring me close to you
who are you
and where are you in my life
i was wondering how much of me
is still alive
i don't even know
if i can swim again
you know how cold it gets
with all your struggling
try to find ourselves
seems real
it gets so hard at times
you know just what to feel
waiting for this love
to bring me close to you
waiting for this love
bring me close to you
i got reasons
i got reasons
watch the water bleed the soil
albinoed by the sun
we will try to keep our feet
in the face of what we've done
try to find ourselves
see this, what we made?
tell me what you want
and what you have betrayed
home is still the place
that we love the most
home is where you are
home is where you are
waiting for this love
to bring me close to you
waiting for this love
bring me close to you
i got reasons
i got reasons

Monday, September 17, 2007

Did you know?

To a six year old, snack is worth a million dollars.

Yesterday, I taught Sunday school. I asked one of the boys to come up and sit a chair. From my pocket I pulled a million dollar bill and handed it to him. The only condition was that in order to keep it, he had to stay in the chair. Sounds easy, right?

I proceeded to ask him questions. How will you go to the bathroom? How will you get food? How will you play with your friends? What will you do when dad comes and tells you it is time to go? His response was, "I will take the chair with me." I replied with, "I gave you the money, but you are sitting on the churches chair, so it will have to stay where it is."

I then told the story from Luke about the man who stored up his grain in barns and never used it. He just focused on how much he had until he ran out of room. Then instead of using it or giving it away, he just built bigger barns. After the barns were completed, the man died and he never got to use any of what he spent all his time holding on to.

I then ask the boy in the chair, "What do you think is more pleasing to God, you having a million dollars or listening to your parents?" His response "Listening to my parents?" "So when dad comes you are going to give me back the money?", I asked. "No, I am keeping it!"

When it was time for his class to go to the art station, I expected him to get up, but he wanted to stay. So, when the next class came in, I worked through the same steps. All his responses were the same.

The time came again for the groups to switch. I heard the boy say, "Is it my turn for snack?" I told him "Yes." He looked at me. I looked at him and said, "So are you ready to give me the money?" He looked at it for a few seconds. He looked at me, and then out the door toward the snack area and said "Yes!" He handed me the money and ran out the door.

I am still trying to get my head around the depth of what that exposed to me.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

God gave me a hint

I asked "why?" His one word response was "molting."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today was weird

The word of the day boys and girls is - Absquatulate. Can you say Absquatulate? Me neither, but it is a weird word that fits with my weird day.

Look it up.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Praying for peace without borders

Tomorrow is the 6th anniversary of a very crappy day in the history of this country. Everyone knows about it. Why? Is it the only catastrophe that has ever happened in this country, or is it because we can point a finger outside our borders. To not discount that event, and with all respect and condolences to the families who lost loved ones in that tragedy, I wonder if any of you can answer the following question.

On April 19, 1995 there was a horrific crime perpetrated in this country. Without the help of the internet, name that event?

Today's show was brought to you by the letter green

Today is one of those days that feels like a flashback of my youth. My of level of apathy has been increasing though out the morning. I just realized that while getting dressed this morning, I put on the wrong yoke. This one is labled "the world's problems." Hopefully, some prayer, a cheese sandwich and a Pepsi down by the river will snap me out of this.

If it does, I will have to figure out how to put it in pill form to mass market it. Oh and it will be chewable.