Questions that suck (yes I wrote and answered them)
List 5 signs (traits) for selfish people (how do you recognize it in others)
Which of these traits do you dislike the most?
How do you feel when you exhibit one of those traits?
What causes you to act that way?
What are you protecting yourself from? What are some other methods of self protection do you use?
For a picture of the Godly attitude we should be seeking, I suggest Romans 12. Pick just one of the characteristics listed and get on your knees to ask God to make it a permanent change in your heart.
Which of these traits do you dislike the most?
How do you feel when you exhibit one of those traits?
What causes you to act that way?
What are you protecting yourself from? What are some other methods of self protection do you use?
For a picture of the Godly attitude we should be seeking, I suggest Romans 12. Pick just one of the characteristics listed and get on your knees to ask God to make it a permanent change in your heart.
At 5:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
1. They only associate with, risk having a relationship, and speak well of people who are just like them.
2. They see people as obstacles that must be overcome in the journey toward getting their own way.
3. They engage in actions without regard for others who will be affected by those actions.(They are usually the last ones to shovel their sidewalks so the mail carrier and other passersby don't fall and get hurt.)
4. They devalue/mock the likes and dislikes of others who are not like them (e.g., spending money on a video game is stupid, but getting a manicure is not)
5. They compete with others in conversation to make themselves appear superior, their situation seem worse, their kids the greatest, blah, blah.
As you can see, none of the first five attributes I associate with selfishness have to do with money or material goods. They're related to how we (read "I")give of ourselves to others.
Maybe it's because I've never had a lot of money or "stuff," but I could give a rip about who has what. However, the number two selfish attribute is the one that trips me up the most--especially at work. Once in a while, when I want to see results, it's all about me, me, me. But, boy oh boy, do I get mad at myself when I'm doing the "holier than thou" thing. How self-centered! How can I possibly give of myself from that posture? And what does it really matter from God's point of view if the brochure is done on time, but I've made the people who work at the printing company feel like crap. Good quiz, Kory. I will work on this!!!! Love, MOM
At 2:46 PM ,
Anonymous said...
"What are you protecting yourself from? What are some other methods of self protection do you use?"
those are loaded questions!
5 signs of selfish people:
1. Everything has to do with them, no matter what happens, somehow the issue can always be related back to them.
2. wanting to control everything, needing to control everything.
3. having an addiction to one's own pain in order to receive attention and validation
4. absence of compassion or empathy
5. absence of gratitude
I'm not sure which one I dislike the most but I do know that I feel like a hypocrit and an idiot when I'm aware that I'm acting that way.
what causes me to act that way? fear, my own addiction to negativity. (That isn't a comfortable thing to write, but truth all the same.) Most people have an addiction to negativity because our whole society is built on it.
The last couple of questions...I know exactly what I'm protecting myself from.
Remember Moses and the burning bush? Remember all the excuses he used to argue and get out of pursuing the path to greatness? (And yes, doing the will of Creator is always a path to greatness.)
Well, that's me. Right there. each day, I get visited by the fire of Divine Inpiration. And here I am, afraid to be visible, afraid of facing the people who won't hear, afraid of recalling the painful memories of my past that keep me bound, afraid of who will judge without mercy, etc.
Just like Moses...I'm stammering, but but but...oh God, you chose the wrong person! I could never write that! They won't hear me! I'm not as good as all those other writers....
And then, I'm reminded of the whole "Who made you to be who you are," Speech. Creator says, "I don't have time for all your little fears and insecurities. There's work to do! Now GO!"
And it is selfish. There is so much Creator has shown me in this life that I can pass on to others...that I'm supposed to pass on. I know it. It makes me cringe when I think about how I run from it.
Kory, I'm going to have to come back to this. You gave me much to ponder today. Thank you!
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