He knows me
I realized something interesting last week and wanted to share it with all of you. It has to do with how much God really cares about the details of our lives and knows us better than we know ourselves.
Seven years ago, Carrie and I were blessed with the birth of our youngest son. Shortly after his birth, we began talking about the possibility of trying for a girl. We did not want to rush things, but with some of the issues we had our widow to conceive was going to be small.
We both desired more children, but wanted to make sure that this was what God had planned for us. We prayed, and asked for a clear answer on how to proceed. Much to our surprise, the answer we both received was "No."
We were puzzled, but decided that we would be obedient. Soon after digesting that answer, a fifteen year old girl named Nicole showed up in our front yard. She was hanging out with the girls who live next to us. We over heard her talking about how much she wanted a baby. For those of you who know me, I am very shy with sharing my opinion. (HA HA) I called her over and told her that I heard what she said and that it was not a real wise choice. I suggested instead of having a baby of her own, she could come to our house every day and help take care of our newborn. I told her that if she was still in love with the idea after six months of cleaning up the various messes that baby make and dealing with list of demands, then she would prove that she was ready.
I have to admit I was very surprised when I heard a knock on my front door the next day. She came in our front door and over time became like a member of our family. We treated her like a daughter. By honoring God's plan, we received a blessing in the form our heart's desire.
Nicole is now twenty-two years old and has a one year old baby.
One month before Nicole gave birth, a nine year old little girl named Samantha walked into our back yard. She was living down the street with her great aunt and uncle. Her mother did not have rights to her and her father was homeless. Prior to coming to coming to live with her aunt and uncle, she was living in a car with her father.
At first she would come over for a few hours and play with the boys, but with the first month she was staying for dinner and only leaving at bed time. She slowly started to become a major part of our lives. At some point during the first six months, she started calling Carrie and I mom and dad. Again we were blessed with a daughter.
Two weeks ago, Sam went back to live with her dad. She did not want to go, and we did not want her to go, but there was nothing we could do to stop it. The past two weeks of her life have gone pretty well, so will just continue to monitor it and be in prayer.
So, if that was the end of the story it would be a way cool story. Much to our surprise, the story is not over.
Three weeks before Sam move back in with her dad, Carrie and I were approached by Sam's aunt and uncle and they shared a concern with us. Their son was going back to prison and his girlfriend was also going to have to serve some time. The concern was, what to do with the baby girl if the parents were both in prison.
They had asked a few relatives, and friends. No one was able or willing to take on the responsibility of raising and infant. Carrie and I prayed about it and talked about it a lot. We decided that we would open our home and offer to take in the baby.
The mother will be sentenced at the end of July. The anticipated sentence is six month, but things might change and there is a potential for a longer term. In preparation for this event, the baby has spent the last two weekends hanging out with my family. She has adjusted to us very well and we feel like she will be a great addition to our family during the time that she will be with us.
Now for those of you keeping score, let's recap. We pray,and get a no. We are obedient, and receive the blessing of an almost full grown daughter. She is ready to move on and we are again blessed with a daughter who is about ten years younger. That little girl reaches a point that she is ready to move to the next season of her life, and a baby who is about ten years younger is there to step into her spot.
We think it is way cool that God has blessed us in this way, but the one thing that shows me how much He cares about the details is how he prepared us.
First He showed us the end of the story. Then He showed us it's precursor. Now He has brought us to the beginning. God backed us into it. He made sure that we were prepared to care for the baby He knew was coming our way.
Psalm 144:1
Seven years ago, Carrie and I were blessed with the birth of our youngest son. Shortly after his birth, we began talking about the possibility of trying for a girl. We did not want to rush things, but with some of the issues we had our widow to conceive was going to be small.
We both desired more children, but wanted to make sure that this was what God had planned for us. We prayed, and asked for a clear answer on how to proceed. Much to our surprise, the answer we both received was "No."
We were puzzled, but decided that we would be obedient. Soon after digesting that answer, a fifteen year old girl named Nicole showed up in our front yard. She was hanging out with the girls who live next to us. We over heard her talking about how much she wanted a baby. For those of you who know me, I am very shy with sharing my opinion. (HA HA) I called her over and told her that I heard what she said and that it was not a real wise choice. I suggested instead of having a baby of her own, she could come to our house every day and help take care of our newborn. I told her that if she was still in love with the idea after six months of cleaning up the various messes that baby make and dealing with list of demands, then she would prove that she was ready.
I have to admit I was very surprised when I heard a knock on my front door the next day. She came in our front door and over time became like a member of our family. We treated her like a daughter. By honoring God's plan, we received a blessing in the form our heart's desire.
Nicole is now twenty-two years old and has a one year old baby.
One month before Nicole gave birth, a nine year old little girl named Samantha walked into our back yard. She was living down the street with her great aunt and uncle. Her mother did not have rights to her and her father was homeless. Prior to coming to coming to live with her aunt and uncle, she was living in a car with her father.
At first she would come over for a few hours and play with the boys, but with the first month she was staying for dinner and only leaving at bed time. She slowly started to become a major part of our lives. At some point during the first six months, she started calling Carrie and I mom and dad. Again we were blessed with a daughter.
Two weeks ago, Sam went back to live with her dad. She did not want to go, and we did not want her to go, but there was nothing we could do to stop it. The past two weeks of her life have gone pretty well, so will just continue to monitor it and be in prayer.
So, if that was the end of the story it would be a way cool story. Much to our surprise, the story is not over.
Three weeks before Sam move back in with her dad, Carrie and I were approached by Sam's aunt and uncle and they shared a concern with us. Their son was going back to prison and his girlfriend was also going to have to serve some time. The concern was, what to do with the baby girl if the parents were both in prison.
They had asked a few relatives, and friends. No one was able or willing to take on the responsibility of raising and infant. Carrie and I prayed about it and talked about it a lot. We decided that we would open our home and offer to take in the baby.
The mother will be sentenced at the end of July. The anticipated sentence is six month, but things might change and there is a potential for a longer term. In preparation for this event, the baby has spent the last two weekends hanging out with my family. She has adjusted to us very well and we feel like she will be a great addition to our family during the time that she will be with us.
Now for those of you keeping score, let's recap. We pray,and get a no. We are obedient, and receive the blessing of an almost full grown daughter. She is ready to move on and we are again blessed with a daughter who is about ten years younger. That little girl reaches a point that she is ready to move to the next season of her life, and a baby who is about ten years younger is there to step into her spot.
We think it is way cool that God has blessed us in this way, but the one thing that shows me how much He cares about the details is how he prepared us.
First He showed us the end of the story. Then He showed us it's precursor. Now He has brought us to the beginning. God backed us into it. He made sure that we were prepared to care for the baby He knew was coming our way.
Psalm 144:1
At 2:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This is nothing less than a beautiful unfolding of events! The pattern that emerges and circumstances clearly show Divine orchestration. Gotta love synchronicity!
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